Baton Rouge RC Club Newsletter  – March 2006

PRESIDENT – Bob McMillan
VICE PRESIDENT – Charlie Dedon
SECRETARY – Willard Beard
EDITOR – Jimmy Lyon – Tel. (225) 753-4637 ([email protected])

NOTICE – The next meeting of the BR RC Club will be Tuesday, March 7th at the Greenwell Springs Road Library at 7:00 PM

President Robert McMillan called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 PM. He asked the secretary to read the minutes from our January 2006 meeting.  The minutes were read and approved by all members present.

Bob then asked our treasurer for a financial report.  B. C. gave us a report for January 2006. All members present approved this report.

Blackie was asked for a field report.  He said the grass was cut this past Saturday.  He said there were several fire ant hills and a lot of signs of digging.   The field was sprayed for grub worms and fire ants on Monday 2/6/2006. At a cost of $295.  This should last about 4 months.

Mike was asked for a safety report.  He said that he did not have any incidents or injuries to report.  He reminded all of us to stay alert and fly safe.

Bob advised that Charlie still does not have any fuel.  Charlie plans to order several cases this week.  Farley advised that we can have it shipped to his place of business.

Vic said that he has a fresh supply of club caps for sale for $6.25 each.  White and Red are available.

Farley reminded us that our workday is scheduled for Saturday Feb. 11, 2006.  Bring your paintbrush, shovel, hammer, or any other tool you feel we might need.  It was agreed that we need a load of crushed limestone to repair the road.  Willard will order a load to be delivered Thursday.

Lee gave us an update on our scheduled club events for 2006.  The events are:
 -  Feb. 25 Ladies night out Mike  Dinner (Dutch)
 -  April 8 Cub Day  Blackie  Jambalaya drinks $125
 -  May 6 Family Day  Vic  Jambalaya, drinks $125
 -  Oct. 7 Fun Scale  George  Flyers, Concession Stand $250

New Business
B. C. reviewed the list of past members that have yet to pay their dues for 2006.  They will be contacted as a reminder.  If they do not renew by our next meeting, they will be dropped from our membership list.

Bob received an email from a guy asking if we would build a track at our field to race R/C cars.  The request was discussed at length and a motion was presented and seconded that we will not entertain R/C cars being raced at our field.  All members present except one approved this motion.
B. C. presented our proposed budget for 2006.  It was reviewed in detail and approved by all members present.

A motion to adjourn was approved at 7:44 PM.  The meeting was adjourned at that time.

Willard Beard, Secretary
February 7, 2006